Sunday 2 October 2011

Taken opening - Shot by Shot analysis

This shows that its someones birthday, and that it's important. The dull colouring suggests that its a memory. This also suggests that its an old video because of the grainy texture.

Because this is the first character we see, this show that she is important. She may be a main character or loved by a main character. The horse is also seen again in the film.

This shot shows us another character. It also gives us infomation about the first character. the candle shows that she was five and that the white shows inoccence. This picture is very happy.

There is a strong contrast in this shot with the last. This shot is very dark. The darkness suggests that he is very lonely, this is also suggested by the take out boxes on the table.

You dont expect to see a karaoke manual, in a dark place, because we think of karaoke as happy and cheery, where as the darkness suggests sadness.

The font suggests that its modern. The fact that the girl in the pitcure is riding a horse, makes us think that she is the young girl from the beginning. The word 'Taken' makes us think that the girl is going to be taken.

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