Tuesday 11 October 2011



House long shot (sound of phone vibrating)

Close up shot of phone (continuous sound of phone vibrations)

Medium shot of Jess in bed (phone vibrating still)

Medium shot of Jess whilst she reaches for phone, which is on the bedside table (sound of phone stops when she reaches it)

Close up of phone (missed calls)

Close up shot of Jess looking worried and fed up.

Close up of phone whilst she’s texting “leave me alone!”

Medium shot of Jess finishing cereal (spoon clanking bowl), grabs bag and heads to the door.

Long shot of Jess and road (sound of cars going past)

(hear a man calling out “Jess”)

Medium shot of Jess turning around, she looks irritated.

Medium shot of James, he seems happy to see her.

Long shot of Jess and James as she quickly turns back around.

Over-the-shoulder shot of Jess as he runs in front of her.

Jess: “Just leave me alone!” (fed up)

James: “come on, you know we should be together” (desperate)

Jess pushes past him and walks off, he grabs her arm tightly.

James: “You know I can make your life hell.” (calm angry)

Jess pulls her arm free (sighs disgustedly) and runs off.

Jess walks through college gates to her group of friends.

Friend 1: “what took you so long?”

Jess: “Oh nothing, just woke up late.”

Jess and friends walk into college building.
They walk through a door into a classroom and sit on some chairs at a table.

Friend 2: “I wish teachers were late all the time” (laughing)

Friend 1: “Yeah so I do, just not on a day that we have so much work.”

Medium shot of Jess and friends.

James: “sorry I’m late class” (not in sight)

Close up shot of James.

Title screen “Bad teacher.” (Music in background – Let you go by Chase and status.)

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