Monday 3 October 2011

Idea 1

  • Girl gets texts from a secret admirer.
  • Girl tells her friends about how she thinks that its this guy she likes.
  • Girl flirts with her crush and arranges to get a lift with him.
  • The real secret admirer (Her teacher) see's this and gets jelouse.
  • Teacher makes an excuse to the crush's tecaher, for him to be kept behind.
  • Teacher waits for girl after college.
  • Now with no way home, girl starts to walk.
  • Teacher drives past and offers her a lift.
  • As it's heavy raining, she accepts.
  • Teacher drives her home, but parks down the end of the road.
  • She asks why and he tries to kiss her.
  • She pushes him away.
  • He says that he thought she wanted this.
  • She says why would she
  • He says that in the texts she seemed up for it
  • Confused and upset, she reaches for the door.
  • He locks the door, and says that if she doesnt do what he says, she wont have much of a future.

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